Saturday, July 10, 2010

Black Show or Performance Male Available

Here are the latest photos of Iska and Ash's gorgeous son.

He is 16 weeks old and seeking a great home with loving owners who will enjoy participating in dog shows or competing in performance events like obedience, agility, herding, tracking, etc.

Contact Chimera if you think you may be the right home for this lovely, super sweet and cuddly, affectionate boy.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Black Male Pup Available to the Right Show Home

Iska & Ash's Boy at 8 weeks old (2 photos)

6.5 weeks old

I have been "running along" (aka, raising to evaluate for show and breeding potential) one girl and the boy.

Both pups are really beautiful (see casual 14 week old photos in post below), have wonderful temperaments, structure, color and hard, hard coats. I am unbelievably happy with them and feel they have amazing potential as show dogs.

Unfortunately, I have realized that with a full-time career outside my home and my 3 adult SS, I just do not have the time to give two pups the attention they deserve.

As a result, I have decided to offer the gorgeous boy to the right show home.

If you are serious about co-owning and showing a superb black standard schnauzer male from top European and North American ancestry to a U.S. conformation Championship, contact me at

Friday, June 25, 2010

Iska & Ash Pups at 14 weeks

Photos of 14 week old Iska & Ash pups, Hera & Jasper.

Ash and Iska combined so well in these pups that we will be doing a repeat breeding of the litter in the future. Feel free to contact us if you are interested.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Changes--pups off to new lives

Last weekend, pups began heading to new homes. By all reports, pups are doing very well and enjoying their new lives :-).

Black pup, white paw

Doesn't she look sweet in her schnauzer hair cut!

Pepper & Salt Girl--Moxie

Here is the Pepper & Salt girl, looking very pretty and schnauzer-y after grooming.

I called her Bristle because of her bristly coat. Her family calls her Moxie, which fits very well because she is a bold and very friendly pup.

Dark Pepper & Salt Girl--Bella

Here are some before and after grooming shots. Amazing difference!

This adorable girl is now named, Bella, which suits her perfectly. She is a real beauty and very, very sweet.

Big Day--pups first vet visit

Last week pups had a fun adventure at the vet's.

In these videos, you can see them playing with each other while they awaited their individual exams and first series of puppy vaccinations.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pups say, "Bully Sticks are YUM!"

Bullies are so great that taking them from each other or hiding to chew them are good plans. Smart pups!

Pups visiting with friends

Pups enjoyed a nice long visit with friends on Saturday and Sunday. Here they play and explore. Mama Iska was along for the fun.

Pups enjoy a visit with friends

on Mother's Day.

"Best Mother's Day Ever!,"

exclaims Iska.

Iska had a truly marvelous time visiting with her friend, Kyo, who she has known since both were pups. You can see how much they enjoy playing together and the standard schnauzer "Chase Me!" game.

In addition to chasing and rolling, Iska went for a dip in the lake. What a great day for Mama Iska :-).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Puppies love waffles and friends ...

Um, but mostly waffles ...

"May we have some more waffles?,"
ask eager pups upon learning of this new taste sensation.

Pups clearly love waffles, but it would only be fair to observe that they also seem to really appreciate friends Annabelle (3 yrs) and Lily (8 yrs).

Pups are now at the age where they really benefit from meeting people and experiencing environments outside of their usual home/adults/dogs.

I am very fortunate to have friends who enjoy having pups come visit and spending time with the pups to give them those experiences, as well as important practice with being a crate and riding in a vehicle.

Thank you to everyone who has given my pups a chance to broaden their world and be better prepared for their new lives after they leave Chimera!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pups LOVE gardens ...

and show their determination to investigate ... no matter what!

They also love to play with each other and roll around in leaves, not caring one bit that humans would prefer they stick to grass!

Warning to all new owners :-).

Black pups at 6 weeks

Here you can see all 4 black pups.

1 black girl, then 3 black girls, then the boy joins his sisters in the final shot. The boy is on the right side of the photo.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Pups look up

Pups are suddenly very aware of UP.

This is because so much is now taking place around (and from their pov, above!) them and they must look up or hop up to follow the action or be closer to people.

In the following video, pups seem have noticed the heat lamp for the first time and they keep trying to reach it.

The next day, I heard a crash and investigated only to find a cluster of pups pulling on the power cord and the lamp laying outside the box on the floor. Guess some clever pup somehow managed to reach a cord and they collaborated on a pull-down project.

Clever, naughty pups! 'Tis the way with all standard schnauzer pups! New owners, take warning!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Asleep = Quiet. Awake = Loud

Life with nearly 6 week old standard schnauzer puppies moves between blissful silence and noisy play.

These photos and the video below will give you some idea. Enjoy!

Time with Mama Iska--at last!

Pups are very happy to be with their mom and Iska seems content to hang out with them too.

Pups are now in a double pen system to allow for more movement and give them a play and sleeping area away from an elimination area. This is important as a pre-housetraining foundation.

Pups are also now out of the whelping room/office and in the midst of all of the activity of the house. It is important for them to be exposed to normal household noises and movements. In these videos, you can hear dishes being done in the kitchen and the television in the living room. You may also be able to hear Flute complaining because she is in her crate to allow Iska some alone time with the pups. Flute does not approve, but Iska and pups are clearly fine without her :-).

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hangin' with the pups

In this photo, Flute seems to proclaim with her look, "These are MY pups."

You can see in the video that Auntie Flute just enjoys hanging out with the pups. Doesn't matter if they are awake or asleep.

Here Flute amuses herself by chewing on a cow's hoof. She's right there if any pups awake and need attention.

I suspect Flute will be a great and super attentive mom.

Iska is a very good mom, but she is always mobbed by pups wanting to nurse when she visits, so she cannot just hang out like Flute can. Pups have very sharp teeth now, so Iska really limits her time with them in the whelping box.

5 weeks old: cow hooves are fun

Inspired by Auntie Flute, these girls enjoy playing with cow hooves.

"I've got teeth now--very sharp teeth!--and I'm gonna use them," proclaims this girl.

"Nursing requires proper supervision"

asserts Flute.

It is amazing that Iska does not mind Flute sitting in the box with her while she nurses.

After finishing nursing, Iska jumps out of the box and one pup climbs out after her and ambushes her for some more nursing.

Flute and the remaining pups lean out of the box to watch the nursing escapee.

Nursing is also, apparently, a spectator sport.

Pup or baby werewolf?

You decide.

Black boy & 2 girls portraits

Pups' heads are wet from nursing in the shot of one black girl (upper frame) and the boy (lower frame).

Pepper & Salt girl portraits

Dark PnS girl portraits

Here is the adorable girl up close. This pup is so cute. I can't stand it. She is also incredibly sweet and cuddly.

Each week there seems to be a Star. This week it is this girl.

So cute, so bad--a pictorial of oppression

One girl's comfort is very important ... to that girl!!

"What do you expect from a STAR?," asks DPNSG.

This is clearly a rhetorical question ...