Saturday, March 27, 2010

Scenes from Week Two

Dark Pepper & Salt Girl Sleeping

Sleep Away Pepper & Salt Girls!

These lovely girls are usually found sleeping together. I wonder if they were the two pups who were on the ultrasound "getting to know each other," in the words of our reproductive vet.

I love to watch little puppies sleep. I hope you enjoy it too.

Sleepy Stretching


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scene from Week One--Happy Nursing Tails Video

In this video, you can see and hear (!) pups who are very happy nursing. Iska prefers to nurse while sitting up. Does not look comfortable to me, but both she and pups say it works!

Scenes from Week One

Week One--Nursing on my sister

Here you can see Pepper & Salt girl enjoying trying to nurse on her sister's back.

You can see her using her paws and leg to knead at her sister's back like she would be kneading Iska to stimulate milk flow.

Pups are very funny and will often try to nurse on whatever body part is most convenient on a sibling--ears, nose, ankle, foot.

Week One--Night Time Sky

Here is what pups would see (if their eyes were open to see, that is!).

Pups have a night time sky roof over their whelping box. A roof/cover helps make the box seem more like a den. Mothers appreciate feeling protected and safely enclosed with a roof. The cover also helps keep the warmth from pups and mom Iska in the box. The cover only goes 3/4 way across the box, though, so there is plenty of ventilation. The cover is made from a crib railing and fleece blanket.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 7--Exotic wildlife or Iska's pups?

Is it a baby bear cub or Iska's adorable baby boy??

Iska's son is so cute and burly. He reminds me of a baby black bear cub.

In the other shots, you can see three of the girls: a black girl, the clearly pepper & salt girl and the dark pepper & salt girl. As she ages, the dark girl will have more noticeable pepper & salt markings. Right now, if you compare her to her black sister, you can see that she has lighter around the eyes, on the ear and also on the front legs.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 6--Nursing & Sleeping

You can see in these shots how well everyone is doing, how content and happy both mom Iska and pups are.

You can see pups are getting bigger from all the vigorous nursing they are doing.

Once bellies are full, lots of sleeping is job number one for nearly one week old pups.

Day 5--Sweet face