Friday, March 5, 2010

Buddies before birth; buddies after birth

During the ultrasound, the vet saw two pups who were facing each other, touching and seeming to talk. The vet said that the pups were "getting to know each other" and that her practice has found (after marking puppy birth and uterus placement during c-sections) that pups who "have met" in the womb are usually best friends in a litter.

Papa Ash was best buddies with the Yellow girl (now Ruby) from his litter. They MUST have been next to each other in the womb. You can see them cuddling here. Read about their special relationship and see photos here and here. See more photos of them growing up on the puppy blog for their litter.

I am eager to see which pups seem best buddies in this litter because I have seen the ultrasound of the two of them next to each other and socializing as they were beginning their relationship.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Feb 23: Pups on the way!

Great news! Ultrasound confirms that pups are on the way!

Our reproductive vet, Dr. Marty Greer, saw 5 or 6 pups. Pups looked very good, healthy with strong heart beats.

Puppies are due in mid-March. Exciting and hard to wait to meet them :-).