Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Puppies love waffles and friends ...

Um, but mostly waffles ...

"May we have some more waffles?,"
ask eager pups upon learning of this new taste sensation.

Pups clearly love waffles, but it would only be fair to observe that they also seem to really appreciate friends Annabelle (3 yrs) and Lily (8 yrs).

Pups are now at the age where they really benefit from meeting people and experiencing environments outside of their usual home/adults/dogs.

I am very fortunate to have friends who enjoy having pups come visit and spending time with the pups to give them those experiences, as well as important practice with being a crate and riding in a vehicle.

Thank you to everyone who has given my pups a chance to broaden their world and be better prepared for their new lives after they leave Chimera!!

1 comment:

  1. They are getting so big! They look so perfectly plump! Great to see them being exposed to children. Do you have homes for them all yet... they are cute!!
