Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pups say, "Bully Sticks are YUM!"

Bullies are so great that taking them from each other or hiding to chew them are good plans. Smart pups!

Pups visiting with friends

Pups enjoyed a nice long visit with friends on Saturday and Sunday. Here they play and explore. Mama Iska was along for the fun.

Pups enjoy a visit with friends

on Mother's Day.

"Best Mother's Day Ever!,"

exclaims Iska.

Iska had a truly marvelous time visiting with her friend, Kyo, who she has known since both were pups. You can see how much they enjoy playing together and the standard schnauzer "Chase Me!" game.

In addition to chasing and rolling, Iska went for a dip in the lake. What a great day for Mama Iska :-).