Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Changes--pups off to new lives

Last weekend, pups began heading to new homes. By all reports, pups are doing very well and enjoying their new lives :-).

Black pup, white paw

Doesn't she look sweet in her schnauzer hair cut!

Pepper & Salt Girl--Moxie

Here is the Pepper & Salt girl, looking very pretty and schnauzer-y after grooming.

I called her Bristle because of her bristly coat. Her family calls her Moxie, which fits very well because she is a bold and very friendly pup.

Dark Pepper & Salt Girl--Bella

Here are some before and after grooming shots. Amazing difference!

This adorable girl is now named, Bella, which suits her perfectly. She is a real beauty and very, very sweet.

Big Day--pups first vet visit

Last week pups had a fun adventure at the vet's.

In these videos, you can see them playing with each other while they awaited their individual exams and first series of puppy vaccinations.