Sunday, April 4, 2010

End of Week 3--Big changes

Lots of big changes for pups during their third full week of life:
  • eyes opened & pups can see
  • ears opened & pups can hear
  • walking began and became more coordinated
  • playing with each other began and became more engaged
  • early neurological stimulation finished (info)

Pups also grew a lot. All puppies now weigh over 2 pounds and baby bear boy is over 2.5 lbs. Iska is proud of her super milk production and excellent care of the pups. She is very attentive and is keeping everyone nice and clean and feeling loved.

Here is the story of what is always very big first in puppies' lives:

Wednesday night, I checked on the pups and saw what you see in the first photo below. I counted pups and assumed 2 were under the rails. Put my hand under the rails, expecting to find 2 there. Nope. Where did 2 pups go?

I look under the mat. Nothing. Now, I'm starting to worry.

Suddenly, I hear nursing. I look and Iska is under the desk, with the chair pushed all the way in so I had not seen her and two girls, one black and one pepper & salt, are nursing away, happy as can be.

Clearly, trouble coming my way.

Now, the whelping box's half door is securely in place to prevent future breaks for freedom ... for now! Soon enough, pups will be clambering over the half door and I will need to put the full door in except for during nursing sessions.


  1. Very 4 weeks started visiting every weekend Mark A puppies .. going this afternoon (with the kids.. I have twin 6 year olds) to see them again...They will be 7 weeks.. at 6 weeks they were so busy!! can't image having to take care of them 24/7... it takes very special people , like you, to produce such wonderfully, socialized, happy SS...So a huge thank you for what you do! Your blogs are wonderful!!! Enjoy all of your updates.

  2. Sign those two up for agility!

  3. No kidding, Alexis! I do think that agility will be in at least one of their futures. The black girl of the two first escapees got out this morning over the half door ... She's the pup in the "one determined girl" photos and determination is clearly part of her character! That and physical coordination :-).
